Saturday, August 17, 2013

Composite steps to Buzz Rocking and Buzz Hopping.... dated 20130818

These are the steps as I know them

  1. Firstly you are probably already participating in the latest Buzz protions   This participation is increasing your Blue Credits. As an XeeMe person you may be aware of the SCORPION Order progress chart. Go to your XeeMe dashboard and click the tiny round circle that is in the nav bar there.   Once you are into the Buzz Guild these Blue Credits are also known as Buzz Warrior points.
  2. Verification must occur,  Read more here  This cost is also in the VIP offer. Either way the verification is only active for 1 year.  More information read this as it is the page that you really need to activate the verification on.: The  verification URL is on this page as well.  
  3. Install the BuzzApp  free for non business accounts
  4.  install Xeetter.   To check it is installed properly click out of your Twitter account and then go their as a via [ type in [ your twitter account]  and see it the Xeetter blue and green ball is on the nav bar just above where your tweets are scrolling through.... The 'Me ' are on the twitter account.
  5. If for some reason Xeetter is on strike un-install. Ken has said to do this you go to Chrome   Menu, Tool, Extensions [ chrome://extensions/] scroll and trash Xeetter [ use the trash can that is].  Now just add Xeetter back.  Then if it is not working properly contact Annie Diamond and she will pull her hair out but knows how to fix this. Especially if you have zombie/phantom XeeMe accounts lurking somewhere that are associated with your Twitter account.  .
  6. When you are aware of and finished your qualification steps you then go to upgrade which gets you into being a Buzz Warrior.  This is helped by your XeeMe SCORPION score.  
  7. On this note there are two types of warriors. The BuzzWarrior is similar but not the same as the SCORPION Order  warrior.  Both are have rankings to meet.  But the SCORPION Order is different  from the Buzz.  Once I got my head around this then things began to fall into place.
  8. One great thing about going to all this trouble is that you are upfront awarded Blue Credit rewards for your efforts.
  9. As you help / encourage newbies to rise with their Scorpion level the amount of Blue Credits they receive from their participation within someone Buzz Campaign rises.
  10. Now go to this 'Upgrade' link and you will check to see what you do to move from a BuzzNewbie to either a Buzz Warrior or a BuzzKnight.  Note: Even with a high SCOPIONORDER rank you do not automatically become a BuzzMaster. to become a Buzz Master there these are the steps..... you form your first two teams [ a BuzzWarrior one and a BuzzKnight one from whivch your Blue Credits are added to as well.                   You [Knight]  make           Team 1 W   [75 warriors]             //       Team 1 K  [ 12 knights]
  11. To get this going you for fill the requirements to start.Read this and check what they are for you here: read on.
  12. To invite people to your teams simply go to or scroll to the top of the BuzzGuild page and on the right hand box there is a box that says "My BuzzTeams". Basically from this page you set up your teams after you have given the BuzzWarrior team a name and a description. 
  13. I had trouble with the logo and the BuzzURL.  Was told to set up and one day later go back to them.  This has worked so far. When this step is completed for the BuzzWarrior team you simply go up / down the list choosing who to invite onto your team.  Does not have to be the full 75 straight away. Remember you are inviting others as an individual person and not a 'rank' so anyone who is available [not fully committed] can be a warrior or a knight on your team.
  14. The first team you develop is you warrior team. Unless that person is maxed out be they BuzzMaster, BuzzKnight or Buzz Warrior they all are invited to for fill the role as one of your Buzz Warriors.  When you get to 75 Buzz Warriors you have completed your BuzzWarrior team [call them team 1 w].
  15. To form your BuzzKnight team the same thing happens- that is you invite people to be on your team.  Who ever accepts is on that team [ call this one team 1 K] comes on in the position of a BuzzKnight.  People can choose to accept up to 10 knight positions and 30 Warrior positions.  At a later date they can also choose to click off that team and help out another one that is emerging.  Especially if they have been helping that buzz newbie emerge and gain Buzz warrior status.  If this happens do not get mad or even.  Accept that this is a natural progression and find another knight or warrior to invite to your team as well.
  16. Effectively the difference is that when someone invites you to their team as a Warrior it is a 'stand alone' position.  Your actions in a Buzz campaign are what are past through.  However as a Buzz Knight it is your 1K cumulative actions that are being counted.  You and the invitee benefit as does your whole team.  Not sure how and why this works but it does.
  17. These invitations to yourself are also the same.  Buzz Team Invites  is where you find out what teams you have been invited onto. Simply confirm or dismiss. Currently the maximum no of teams you are allowed on is 30 re you accepting to being on other peoples teams.  What a buzz you get when accepting your first [+] Buzz Knight positions.
  18. Your commitments listing is this link the Buzz Knights commitments are on top of the Buzz Warriors.
  19. As a Buzz+Knight you have accepted to bring forward your whole 1K team [League].  Who ever has invited you also obtains benefit from your Knight teams work [? are these the Knight Rewards Points] as well as everyone on that team.  This is good as they will ask you again and again to support them.  You learn much from doing this. As you learn you pass that information on down to your teams. And the same thing happens.  Effectively what you give out is what you get back.
  20. As a Buzz Knight you get credits from every mention your Warriors are performing    You get Knights Credits that are required to get up to a Buzz Master  The more successful your Buzz Team is the more Knights Credits you get and the faster you get up in the ranking  As a Buzz Master you should be eager to get powerful Knights in your team  [ this is directly copied from this link  ]
  21. The same happens when a Buzz Master asks you to join them as knight within their Leagues. The Buzz Master asks, You confirm. All your own warriors then automatically go with you into that Buzz League for the duration of that Buzz Campaign.  Now you are awarded 100 Knight credits for each action that your warriors do. This is one reason why you form a flight and keep in touch with those within that league.
  22.  Note that as a knight you may only join five Buzz Masters at any one time. There is something called a "Buzz Overview" that Buzz Masters can check to see how their league members are doing re the Buzz workouts.
  23. I am up to the stage of forming my own adventure into Buzzes.  So from here on in I will let you know how it goes.  The steps are here 
  24. On the SCOPRION measurement chart as well as in the Buzz Guild members profiles there is the Knight Rewards.  I believe that as your knight teams perform your Knight Rewards Points rise.  Once your level is sufficient you are 'invited' [?] to become a BuzzMaster [ this I am not sure of but it makes sense]
  25. Utilize the Flight button extension .  Install it.
  26. Check the flight page and see how things may integrate with your Buzz campaign as such these are the measurement tools the SCORPION and Buzz credits are influenced and are measured by.
  27. Florinel Nicolai Deciu  said to "think of a Flight as a specific list of people you want to engage with.  So your warriors , knights and so forth can be integrated here.  You can have three of these flights happening at once.  Rather than individually contacting the teams people send out bulk notifications. Basically this is the spread sheet I have been looking for
  1. Have been informed that as a side effect of running a campaign the Alexa rank for XeeMe and Society 3 and for these that ran campaigns sky rockets.
  2. When you are doing all this labour just remember one thing.  We are all speck miners who are now digging down to the mother load.  Then onto harvesting that mother load. why?? because those Gold Credits have a cash value and you can turn them back into cash. Charge for promoting services to the business out there looking for big promoting advertising campaign help is just one option.
  3. Check the flight page and see how things may integrate with your Buzz campain. 

The information gained here was by interacting with the FaceBook Group XeeMe Power Networker  Google has a similar one.

Along the way to becoming a BuzzMaster there are also things you have to have achieved.  One is getting onto the wall of fame fat least one time.  So while you are doing Buzz set ups your are also striving for that WoF position.  Do not sweat it.  Others are going up and down like a yoyo as well.

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